Materials needed
Materials suitable are Cots-wool, flannel and flannelette
Matching piping
Pattern making
Fold the paper in 2 layers and prepare the draft.
A-P = full length +½”
A-B =¼ chest –½”
Draw perpendiculars from A, B and P
A-C =½ shoulder
A-G = back neck=½”
A-H = front neck = 1½”
A-F =¹/12th chest
Join F-G and F-H with curves
Mark S on the line A-P such that P-S =1½”
A-C =B-D. Produce B-D to E such that B-E =¼ chest +1½”
C-M = Full sleeve length measured from shoulder tip to wrist +⅛”Draw a perpendicular from the point M to the line A-M.
M- N =A-B
M-U = sleeve width +½”.
M-O =½”
Join U-O with a curved line as shown.
Produce P-Q to R such that such that R-Q =1½”
Join R –E. Mark T on R-E such that R-T =1”. E-V=¾” join U-V-T as shown.
Join T-S with a curve as shown
Cut along the line O-U-V-T-S.
Cut back neck A-F.
Open the fold and cut front neck F-H
Cutting the fabric
Place the draft on the material as shown in layout 1 or layout 2.
Cut front opening H-S
Finish the sleeve with matching piping. Join the sides. Over cast the seam or pink the seam and open.
Finish the curved line T-S and front opening together at one stretch with piping. Finish the neck with piping Leave extra piping on either side of the neck for tying a bow
Or you can stitch button and loops (Type 2)